Review #1: Tennen Half to Sobakasu-hime to, by Shiden Akira, 32 pages

This might not be the best first review on this site, but I do enjoy it, its charming, in it's way.
The plot is as follows: Irie1, Alice2, and Kirin3 are together on a bench during a hot day, Irie has bought Alice an ice cream and Kirin catches him leering at her while she eats it provocatively. Irie watches Alice hornily, and Kirin yells at him about it, until Alice offers to give him a blowjob. The three of them cram in a bathroom stall, and Irie has a great time, though when he attempts to make advances on Kirin he gets punched in the gut. Later Irie and Alice skip class to have sex, though somethings wrong. Summer break starts, and Alice invites Irie and Kirin to hang out, Irie and Kirin show up early, and avoiding his friends Irie and Kirin duck into another bathroom. Where Irie confesses his feelings for Kirin and kisses her, and reveals that he can't cum to anyone but Kirin. After talking things out a little they walk out hand in hand. Naturally they head back to Irie's house to have sex. Afterwards they go out to bike, running in to Alice, who assures them both that there are no hard feelings and would like to remain friends with everyone. They make plans to hang out more later, making the most of the remainder of their summer break.
I like this one a lot, though its not without it's issues. It has the "only way I can finish" cliche as a big plot point in the middle, which I found interesting, since usually that one is reserved for the beginning, as an instigating event("the only way I can finish is with my head smushed between thighs/being cucked/blindfolded"). It ends on such a summer-y friendship note, I'd love to see how things continued.
The pornographic parts of this one aren't anything special. Of the three instances of sexual acts the first one is alright, the second is largely passed over, and the third is average among hentai sex scenes. It has the standard male leading and the female putting up a slight resistance.
The last 3 panels showing Kirin, Alice, and Irie's smiling faces