Review #3: Little Red Striding Hood and the Big Tiddy Wolf by BreedingDuties, 86 pages

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I enjoy the works that BreedingDuties creates, though 90% of it is homestuck, and 70% of it is pregnancy related. This piece of media is only homestuck related, until the very last page. This is a 3D rendered comic as is usual for BreedingDuties.
This is an extremely homestuck-esque pornographic retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. It follows Dave Strider Little Red Striding Hood1 as he goes through the forest to give his sick Bro( Dirk Strider)2, and is accosted by Jade Harley the Big Bad Woof3 On his way. The story plays out from there in proper homestuckian fashion.
I enjoyed reading this, probably primarily as a homestuck fan. I'd be eager to get a non-homestucker to read and review this one, just to see how it hold up. I imagine it would be funny in an absurdist way if at all. Anyway, I've noticed that a lot of porn comics, I think specifically r34 comics, have an irreverence to themselves built in to them. Porn isn't taken too seriously, there are trope shortcuts that appear over and over, so porn artists can easily put up an "ok and now they just start fucking" panel or word bubble, and the characters will be going at it right away.
Dirk telling Dave and Jade to get a fucking room