Review #005: Help! I Need To Stretch Out For Valentine's Day! by Pastrygames, short game

This is a short and sweet little game. You help out a red (COTN Incident-esque) bunny person stretch their ass out around their house so they're ready for their boyfriend's allegedly MASSIVE cock. Its a bit silly, stretching their ass on the standard dildo, doorknob, and pleasantly yellow beeperson dick. A neat little window into our main character's life has been opened up here, and while the ending is a bit anticlimactic, its very sweet and I don't begrudge it. Theres a width meter that goes up and up, which is a nice way to track progress. Well worth a play as it is FREE and pretty quick to play through.
Text box where the main character greet's their boyfriend with the words 'Babe!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!'