Theres a lot of pokemon porn out there, theres a lot of non-consent porn, but none of them do it like this one. From the beginning the author makes it clear they think this comic is terrible and that you're a weird pervert for reading it. Its the only time I've seen cartoon non-consent (sex counterpart to cartoon violence) done well enough to keep me reading.
The comic is fast and loose with it's characters, theres the Salandit1, their girlfriend2, and Lawyerantis3 but theres a buch more 1-3 page characters with personalities to them. Most of these characters are assaulted by the titular salandit, each with their own reactions to it, violence, assaulting him back, screaming, shock, leading up to salandit's arrest.
1: The Titular Salandit. Boy howdy, if he had pants he'd be physically incapable of keeping his dick in them. Gets death row
2: The girlfriend. A brionne who is almost as insatiable as their salandit boyfriend. Gets fucked into a coma.
3: Lawyerantis. A fomantis that gets salandit off of death row because he wouldn't have a law degree without the salandit's help in high school
Worldbuilding-wise its a pokemon world without humans. Par for the course when it comes to pokemon porn. However, the author's disdain for their own work/reader comes out here and there. For instance the 355 minors who were also on death row that gave Lawyerantis the time to get salandit off of it. The art is solid, the jokes are there and are funny sometimes even, and the salandit makes good flan. The title delivers on the contents and plot of the comic.
Anyway. This doesn't really get me off, it just stands out to me as an interesting specimen of porn comic. When it comes to reviews I could just open up or something and start from 00001 and go on up from there, but I like to review ones that stood out to me as interesting or particularly hot. This one feels like a Little Red Striding Hood in a way. Its less a hot read and more an interesting take on the porn genre. The author hates the main character and makes them look bad, makes the world look bad, and isn't hiding it.