Review #009: Scourge of Evil, EBIMARU-DO, 49 minutes

Scourge of Evil is a 3D tentacle hentai video, set on an alien ship/facility, and, in my opinion, the pinnacle of tentacle porn. The textures, models, and scenes are the best in the genre, and I already enjoy 3D over 2D hentai.
The video starts with two spies, a man1 and a woman2, sneaking into something sort of computer room and hacking into the computer. Two aliens3 find, disarm, and capture them.They put some sort of parasite in the man then looses him on the woman in a big room. Typical tentacle hentai stuff ensues as the man starts growing tentacles out of his body.
Theres basically no plot to the video, just running through every configuration of monster appendages and orifices until the woman lays an egg and faints. The running through of all those configurations is well done and showcases the quality of models and animation. The monster does rape thecwoman however, and she does piss herself.
The Woman, hands in the air, backlit by a computer