Review #010: Clarahike, by Funkybun, 13 pages

Link:Here! Here! (Trans)
This outdoor exhibitionism furry comic comes in cis and trans varieties.
Clara1 goes on a several day hike completely nude. The comic is compesed of an image(in-universe photos) with a caption and a little about the context. A few people see and Clara makess friends and travels with Roy and Kevin2 for a while.
Not much more to say about it other than the world seems pretty forgiving and a little more chill about nudity. Funkybun does a lot of work with exhibitionism of different types and levels. Clarahike was the first work of theirs I actually read, and I find the rest to be really solid works. The premise is solid, the porn of it is pretty soft, no sex happening, but there is masturbation and pissing. The artwork is nice, kinda cute. The only strike against it I could see would be not being able to stand piss(personal taste) and not liking the trans version because of woke(personal taste), and for the latter theres a cis version. personally I like both a lot.
Clara smiles at the camera, flanked by Roy and Kevin who are also smiling and looking at Clara. The sky can be seen behind them